We’re super excited to say we’ve linked up with local carnival company New Carnival to secure some free spaces on their three-day masterclass making a Giant Puppet with expert puppet makers, Thingumajig Theatre.
Thingumajig Theatre creates and performs innovative puppet plays and interactive giant puppet street acts. Based in West Yorkshire, their puppets have played throughout the UK and 14 other countries and have been seen on television and a major Disney film.

You will be creating a puppet based on the Green Man of folklore, to tie into the May Day theme for a section of this years Isle of Wight Mardi Gras parade on the 6th July. The team at New Carnival have been busy drawing up plans for what the finished puppet will look like. It’s going to be one of the biggest puppets they’ve ever had and will require three people to operate!

You will be working with Thingumajig to create the basic structure for the head and body over this three day workshop at New Carnival’s workshop in Ryde. You would then have the opportunity to return to the workshop to help add the finishing touches at a later date (TBC).
Practical info: This opportunity is aged 16+. To apply please tell us why you would like to take part, as well as any previous experience you might have had (not required). All tools and materials provided, please bring packed lunch and snacks to sustain yourself, refreshments provided. This opportunity takes place at The Coaching House, 13 Union Road, Ryde, PO33 2ER. We can cover travel costs like your bus fare if necessary.
Opportunity Date & Time: Friday 10th, Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th May, 10:30am – 4:30pm