Welcome to Brave Island, the creative network for young people on the Isle of Wight.
We’re a new type of platform created by Ventnor Exchange to provide mentoring, funding, experiences and training for young people interested in the creative industries. Check out our blog and current opportunities below
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Fancy yourself as a critic? We’ve got a free ticket to give away to a budding writer to review a...
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Fancy yourself as a critic? We've got a free ticket to give away to a budding writer to review a...
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From Disney to Arthouse: a Creative Producer's tales of trailer making Here's your chance to talk to David Coultas, a...
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Do you want to get informed about the music industry? Brave Island is very excited to be hosting Soundcheck: A...
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The chance to spend an hour with Daniel Syrett, fashion stylist and designer turned artist. SYRETT studied Fashion and Textiles...
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Our friends at Quay Arts are looking to create some fun, engaging activities for children and families to do during...
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This is your chance to spend an hour with Natasha Preskey, The Independent's Senior Lifestyle Reporter, for an informal chat...
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We're on the lookout for a poem to be featured in the March/April edition of Style of Wight Magazine, the...
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Brave Island is hosting a Watch & Review Party of the National Theatre's iconic adaptation of Michael Morpurgo's modern classic...
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If you’re interested in filmmaking, this is a great chance to talk with Alix Taylor, BFI NETWORK Talent Executive at...
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The chance to spend an hour with Hannah George, award winning screenwriter specialising in comedy and children’s TV. Hannah also...
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Writer and Director Jasper Rouse is looking for a storyboard artist to sketch out his ideas for his new short...