Every month Brave Island runs a Young Creative of the Month fund, where we spotlight a local young creative with an interview on our blog, and support them with funding of £100. For January, it’s artist and musician Maisie McGregor, but you may well know her by her stage name “Muffy”. This fund launches at the beginning of every month, you can apply to be Young Creative of the Month for February here.
Please can you tell us about your creative practice?
I’m an artist with many interests! At the moment, I love abstract painting, and I am also a musician, songwriter and performer. For my paintings, I use acrylic on canvas, mainly focusing on neon colour palettes to create abstract compositions. Music wise, I am currently working on a solo project under the name “Muffy”.

Who or what are your biggest inspirations for both your music and visual artwork?
When I first saw Mark Rothko’s work, I was amazed with the effect it had on me. I was lost in his work and amazed with how art could make me feel. I fell in love with creating work based on my emotions, experiences and senses. My work has now evolved into a heavy focus on colour – often using neons. I’m not totally sure why, but neon pink makes me feel a certain way. If I’m being honest, I spend hours scrolling through Pinterest which is where I find most of my inspiration from at the moment for colour palettes, textures and techniques. The endless images just fill my brain with lots of ideas that I then experiment with.
With my music, I will always refer back to Lily Allen’s album “Alright, Still”. It’s full of comedy that resonates with my sense of humour. Full of an array of music styles that I love. Covers of songs in her own style. I guess I have listened to the album so much throughout my song writing process, because multiple people have said my music reminds them of Allen’s early work.
I find watching other bands live is when I get filled with the most inspiration. I remember watching local band Plastic Mermaids live for the first time, and thinking “this is what I want to be doing”. I went home and wrote a bunch of ideas for songs that night. I think watching other people enjoy music fills me with a lot of determination for my own music journey.

What are your creative ambitions for 2024?
Music is definitely going to be a major focus for me this year. 2023 was the year I finalised my songs and played my first gig under my new solo project. This year, my goal is to write more songs, play more gigs, have fun, get out there and spread my music. I love all the aspects of creating that goes along with being a musician/performer too. My friend and fellow band mate Liv is my sidekick when it comes to content creation. I can’t wait for us to do more photo shoots, videos and any other promo that’s required!
With my paintings, it’s something that going forward I’d love to build up to the point where it’s a steady side project that can bring in extra income! I’d love to get enough stock to do a market stall, but mainly this year I’ll be focusing on online selling.

Where can people find your work if they’d like to support you?
I use my Muffy social media accounts for all things music and art related! I also have an Etsy page where I sell my artwork.
Instagram – @muffy.music
TikTok – @muffy_music
Etsy – MaisieMcGregor