Each month we round up five of the most exciting opportunities currently available for young people living on the Isle of Wight, whether that’s from Brave Island or from other organisations we think you should get involved with! Check out our top picks for March below.

Be a Part of a Huge Carnival Performance
Have you ever wanted to wear a giant Carnival costume? Are you a dancer looking to join in on an exciting new project? Are you looking for stage crew experience? Shademakers want to hear from YOU!
As part of the larger, year long project AD ASTRA (Latin for “To the Stars”), Shademakers are putting together a unique theatrical showcase due to be performed in Shanklin this July. If this is the kind of thing you’d like to be involved in sign up now for their Recruitment Workshop.

FREE Workshops in new Creative Space in Portsmouth
The BASE is an exciting new creative space for 11-25 year olds, brought to you by Portsmouth Guildhall. The space is under construction but the FREE workshops have already begun with sessions on Songwriting, Mural Painting, Building a Band, Music Videos, DJ’ing, Photography and more! Check out the link to The BASE’s website above to learn more and sign up.

Costume/Props Designer Job for Theatre Tour
Local theatre company DEADMAN are looking for a costume/props specialist to source, organise and monitor costume and props for their upcoming 17 venue tour. No specific experience required, other than a passion for the job and creative arts.
Sourcing & coordinating props and costume.
Working closely with director and producer and members of the production team on the aesthetic and design of the props and costume.
Working with technical touring manager to organise and collate props/costume for rehearsals and touring.
Important info: Based on Isle of Wight during rehearsals. Accommodation covered by DEADMAN.
Fee: £3200 (£2000 + £1200 for materials)
Register your interest here by 6th March, you’ll then be invited for an interview.

Join Butterfly Conservation’s Youth Panel
Are you passionate about nature and wildlife? Or the charity sector and campaigning? Butterfly Conservation are looking for people aged 16-25 to join their youth panel to help shape the way that young people can engage with conservation work, including developing and testing new opportunities.
Find out more: bit.ly/3Tl3T4F

Supporting Grassroots Music Fund
Arts Council England have announced a grassroots music fund, which has been set up to support rehearsal and recording studios, festivals and promoters, as well as venues for live and electronic music performance.
Find out more: bit.ly/3SXJyAW