We’ve teamed up with theatre company The Bone Ensemble and are looking for short films to inspire a new show about islands. The films will be chosen by the creative team behind the production and each chosen filmmaker will receive £100 as a fee for allowing their work to be used.
The Bone Ensemble is developing a ‘gig theatre’ show about the joys and challenges of island life. They’re working with three communities – from the Isle of Wight, the Isles of Scilly, and Stor-Pellinge (Finland) to collect stories, memories, and ideas. The show will combine music, song, storytelling, and film and it will be performed on each island in 2026 before touring the UK.
We’re looking for films up to 3 minutes long, with sound (which can be the background sounds that exists when you are filming, no need to add music). It can be filmed on a phone or a camera. If you want to edit material, that’s fine, but we are also interested in continuous shots. The films need to be shot in horizontal/landscape format. You can be as creative as you like with colour, speed, camera movement etc!
To help you get started, the themes of the show include:
- The sea
- Isolation
- Mental health / wellbeing
- Survival & resilience
- People (or animals) who leave or arrive on the island
- Climate change / environment
- Boats / ships
- Red squirrels
- Off season
- Work
- The future
If you have any questions about this opportunity, please get in touch and The Bone Ensemble will help! You can email megan@ventnorexchange.co.uk or use the contact form on this website. Here’s some more info from The Bone Ensemble team:
Practical info: To apply for this opportunity, please tell us below why you would like to take part, and a little bit about your film. Please submit your film by sending it via WeTransfer to megan@ventnorexchange.co.uk, by 11pm on Friday 3rd January.
Opportunity Date & Time: The deadline for submissions is Friday 3rd January, you will hear if your film has been chosen on Saturday 11th January.